Release Notes 3.2

Eliminated the waiting time when zeroing axes positions

NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

Zeroing axes (via GUI or hand-held control unit) is now much faster.

Repetition of tool length measurement in case of built-up edges

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In case of the detection of a built-up edge, the main door is unlocked to give the operator the opportunity to clean the tool and repeat the length measurement (blue warning dialog). If the user does not wish to repeat the length measurement, the familiar options for dealing with built-up edges are still available (yellow warning dialog).​

If the length measurement is called up with the additional parameter "skipSaving", the measurement repetition is also possible. In this case, however, no changes are made to the recorded tool length and no logbook entries are created. In contrast, if the length measurement is called up with the additional parameter "skipDialogs", repeat measurement is not possible.

Z-axis speed for tool length measurement can now be set for specific tools

NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

The speed of the Z-axis during tool length measurements can now be set to a value between 200 mm/min and 1,000 mm/min, both globally for all tools and individually for a single tool type. By reducing the axis speed, delicate tools in particular can be better protected against possible damage.​

If no individual value has been specified for a tool (or if the associated parameter has been deactivated), the global speed setting is used. The measuring speed of a tool is always automatically adopted for all sister tools. The Z-axis speed of the second precision measurement remains unchanged at 200 mm/min.

Custom content on status screen

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You can now display your own Markdown text where the "current operation" tile used to be. This content can also be changed dynamically during program execution using SimPL or SimPL-PLC. In order to display your own content on the status screen, you must first activate the corresponding option in the "user interface" submenu. The tile's content can then be set and cleared as required using the two new SimPL commands "SetCustomStatusDisplay" and "ClearCustomStatusDisplay", respectively. 

Sorting entries in program management

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Entries in the program management view can now be sorted by their date of modification, by their date of creation, by their name, or by their type (in ascending and descending order). Folders are always displayed above files in the list.

Tip diameter added to tool data view

NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

The point diameter (Ø) is now displayed next to the point angle in the tool data view for gravers.

Status indicators for 3D simulation view options

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Status indicators have been added to the buttons for selecting the view options for the 3D simulation. This makes it easier to identify the active options, especially in poor lighting conditions.

Accessing data of non-active workpiece coordinate systems

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The SimPL command "GetWcs" has been extended by the optional parameter "name". By setting this parameter, the data of a non-active workpiece coordinate system (WCS) can now be accessed. Otherwise, the data of the currently active WCS is returned.

Live camera feed in custom dialogs

REQUIRED purchase option - Camera Option (for non DATRON neo machines)​ | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

A camera's live feed can now be included in your custom dialog. This can be used to facilitate operator guidance when it is difficult to see into the machine room or for processes that require high precision.​

Execution of the currently loaded program via Rest-API and SimPL-PLC

REQUIRED purchase option - Rest-API/Simpl-PLC (Automation) | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

A new command "ExecuteLoadedProgram" has been added to the Rest API - it executes the currently loaded program. Similarly, the active program can now be executed in the SimPL-PLC by not passing a program path as parameter to the "ExecuteMachiningProgram" command.

Unlocking of the play button for running the graphical simulation

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In the simulation window, the "Play" button (▶), which was already visible but previously deactivated, has been activated. Pressing this button plays the graphical simulation from start to finish. The playback speed can be increased or reduced using the speed slider below the function bar. To use this feature, it must be activated in the "Graphic simulation" submenu in the user settings menu.

Improved overview of tool service life in tool management menu

NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

The tool life display in the "Tool settings" menu has been made more compact and thus provides a better overview.

Assignment of drive letters to folders for simplified navigation

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Virtual drive letters can now be assigned to folders and subfolders in the user settings. These folders, their subfolders and all programs in them can then be easily accessed using the new "Jump to" input mask that can be displayed directly below the filter bar. ​

This feature can also be used to access folders or programs by way of a barcode scanner.

Using primitives in the graphical simulation

NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required

In the 3D simulation, you can now display your own 3D models, polylines or rectangles. Have a look at the sample code in the "SimulationPrimitives" folder, which is included in the supplied "SimPL samples".

Highlighting of selected elements in the file selection menu

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For folders that only contain one file, it was previously not clear enough whether the contained element had already been selected. A blue bar at the bottom of a selected element will henceforth provide clarity.


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