Display of the remaining operating time until next machine maintenance
In the submenu for displaying the component runtime, the remaining operating time until the next recommended machine maintenance can now be read. When the operating time is fully utilized, a corresponding notification will be displayed.

Automatic program execution
With the help of the new "Program Execution Planner" menu, it is now possible to set a specific time for a SimPL program to be executed. Two minutes before the scheduled program start, a corresponding dialog box will appear, which also provides the option to cancel the execution.

Display of tool lifetimes
NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required
In the tool settings, tool lifetimes can now be viewed and reset. Note: The definition of maximum times and/or maximum distances, upon exceeding which a sister tool is automatically exchanged, is only available with the purchase option "Sister Tool Management."

Length correction of tools
NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required
In the tool settings, tools can now be assigned an individual length correction (within a range of ±0.5 mm). This option allows for fine-tuned adjustments without the need for re-measuring the tool or reprocessing the milling program.

Individual external measurement of specific tool types
NO purchase option | NO ADDITIONAL hardware required
In the tool settings, it is now possible to specify individually for each tool type whether it should be measured externally or not. Activating this option will override the global setting for external tool measurement for this specific tool type.

Adjustable pressure for air and medium in spray systems with proportional valve
NO purchase option | ADDITIONAL hardware required: DATRON MXCube / DATRON MLCube
Using the handheld control and/or the new SimPL command 'SpraySystem', the air pressure and medium pressure for the spray system can now be adjusted (a spray system with a proportional valve is required).

Please feel free to contact us at any time!
If you have any questions or would like to know more about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!